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Reviews & Analyses:

Unlike some 90's films like "Singles" and "Reality Bites", this was my real coming of age movie milestone. It tackles its subject to the ground and once there, holds it endlessly in order to show what I considered the hypocrisy of modern religion. However at the same time...
This is one of those films that should not be, but actually is cleanly insinuated with my childhood, thanks to the invention and premiere of The Movie Channel. And of course being a child when I saw it, introduced me to the world of the psychological issues for my age group, and how adults handle...
The film itself is accurate as far as the weight a psychic ability upon the emotional health of a human being, for both the talent and those connected to them who do not have this talent in any form, in this case his wife and sister in law. There are times when it comes across as an addiction/co-...


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Philadelphia socialites Tracy Lord and C.K. Dexter Haven married impulsively, with their marriage and subsequent divo...
Images flash through Arthur's brain, voices buzz in his mind, uttering disjointed words and sentences. Arthur Seligma...
The new frontier of Venus has degenerated into a dystopia ravaged by the civil war between Ishtar and Aphrodia. Bubbl...
Meek and mild mannered bookkeeper Henry Limpet has few passions in life. It's mid-1941 and he would love to join the ...