Madea's Class Reunion (2003)Synopsis:
Tyler Perry's gun-toting, irreverent granny Madea, played by Perry himself, has been entertaining theater audiences with plays like Diary of a Mad Black Woman and Madea's Family Reunion. This time, Madea is traveling to the Pandora Hotel, the venue for her 50-year class reunion. Running afoul of the law, Madea still manages to teach valuable lessons amidst the comedy and chaos, addressing the importance of forgiveness and the value of friendship. Madea and her colorful crazy neighbor and classmate, Mr. Brown (whose wife from the previous play, Mattie, died from Alzheimer's and was cremated) help married couple Corey and Trina Jeffrey (Terrell Carter, Pamela Taylor) come to terms with infidelity. A woman (Cheryl "Pepsii" Riley) hurt by years of torment must give up prostituting herself with her abusive babydaddy (D'Wayne Gardner), and reconcile with her tired elderly mother (Chandra Currelly-Young) who was fired by the evil manager of the Pandora (Chantel Christopher), who is having an affair with a man (Anselmo Gordon) who is married to Cora's friend Diana (Judy Peterson), who is too reliant on her man. Through all of this craziness, the insane bellboy/bartender, "Dr." Willie Leroy Jones (new character played by Perry), is causing ruckus in the already rowdy hotel. Willie is suffering from Dissociative identity disorder (DID), claiming to have 27 people living in his head.
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