King Arthur (2004)Synopsis:
Based on a more realistic portrayal of "Arthur" than has ever been presented onscreen. The film will focus on the history and politics of the period during which Arthur ruled -- when the Roman empire collapsed and skirmishes over power broke out in outlying countries -- as opposed to the mystical elements of the tale on which past Arthur films have focused.
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Ryan is a lion who wants to go to the wild, where his dad (Samson) once lived. When he gets himself shipped to Africa...
Geri (Geraldine Smith) ejects her husband Joe (Joe Dalessandro) from bed, and insists he go out on the streets to mak...
Loosely based on Dudley Moore's 'Arthur'. Amithabh plays a spoilt but generous hearted drunk son of an extremely rich...
Larry and Carol are fairly normal New Yorkers who have sent their son off to college. They meet an elderly couple dow...