Digimon: The Movie (2000)Synopsis:
Three Japanese movies in one. There is narration by a continuing character, Kari. The first involes an encounter with a digimon of the third kind. The two kids Kari and Tai, raise this fast growing digimon from egg to giant monster. It's a good thing it showed up too, as an awsome fight ends this segment. The second of the movies involves Tai and Izzy. Some sort of computer virus sweeps th internet. It turns out to be a digimon. The digimon are uploaded to the internet and Tai tries to get others to help. Matt and T.K. help as well, with some more outstanding fight scenes. The third and Final segment starts in N.Y. with Kari and T.K., now years older, and they see 2 digimon fighitng and a kid with them. They try to follow him and they get there friends to follow as well. One of the new digimon belongs to Willis, the other, does as well, except this digimon seems to have a virus. The kids find a new power and once again, the fight scenes look spectacular.
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