Hana yori dango (2005)Synopsis:
Tsukushi Makino is a student at the prestigious and very exclusive school- Eitoku Gakuen. This school is attended by the children of Japan's elite society. Since Makino is poor, she is often teased by her classmates. For a girl that is naturally filled with spunk and an independent spirit, she tends to be timid at Eitoku Academy. That is until she has her first face to face encounter with the F4. The F4 (Flower 4) are the four richest and attractive men that attend and own the school. In a brave effort, Makino tries to defend her one and only friend, who accidentally offended the F4's leader Tsukasa Domyoji. Unfortunately she ends up causing the wrath of F4 to fall upon her, instead of her friend. But there was something that the leader of the F4 didn't expect. He didn't expect for her fight back. He didn't expect her to not care about his status. He didn't expect the feelings that began to bloom between Tsukushi Makino and himself, Tsukasa Domyoji. Could there be more to them than mutual hatred and defiance? How deep did this feeling extend? And could he have her and still live up to the Domyoji name?
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