Captain America (1990)Synopsis:
During World War II, a brave, patriotic American Soldier undergoes experiments to become a new supersoldier, "Captain America." Racing to Germany to sabotage the rockets of Nazi baddie "Red Skull", Captain America winds up frozen until the 1990s. He reawakens to find that the Red Skull has changed identities and is now planning to kidnap the President of the United States.
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Roger Hobbs is a harried city dweller who longs to take his family to the seashore for a vacation. He and his wife Pe...
Mikey and Rose are professional assassins. They are also lovers, and once upon a time Rose also knew Mikey's father. ...
Black Hole High (Blake Holsey High) is a private school with a difference. The atmosphere seems to be charged and man...
Pandu is a killer for hire, and will accept any contract provided the amount is right. The Police want him for questi...