The Traveler (2010)Synopsis:
On the Christmas Eve in a small town, a stranger enters in the precinct and tells the Desk Sergeant Gulloy that he had murdered six people. Detective Alexander Black arrests the man in a cell and Deputy Jerry Pine, Deputy Jane Hollow, Deputy Toby Sherwood and Deputy Jack Hawkins are not able to identify him since the stranger does not have fingerprints. They call him Mr. Nobody and Deputy Hawkins recalls that he resembles the haired drifter that they had arrested and tortured one year ago, when the daughter of Detective Black had vanished. Along the night, while Mr. Nobody confesses each murder and whistles Lacrimosa from Mozart's Requiem, each deputy dies. Sooner Detective Black discovers that Mr. Nobody is a revengeful spirit that has come to kill them for what they did to the drifter one year ago and they are doomed to die.
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