The Sandlot 2 (2005)Synopsis:
In the 12-years-since comedic sequel to 1993's The Sandlot, a new group of kids have moved into the sandlot: David Durango ('Max Lloyd-Jones' (qv)), Mac McKing ('Brett Kelly (I)' (qv)), Saul ('Cole Evan Weiss' (qv)), his deaf brother Sammy "Fingers" ('Sean Berdy' (qv)), Tarquell ('Neilen Benvegnu' (qv)), Scotty's younger brother Johnnie Smalls ('James Willson' (qv)), and a surprise for The Sandlot 2, a girl in the group Hayley Goodfarier ('Samantha Burton' (qv)). When Johnnie mistakenly sends a model rocket over the junk fence in The Great Fear's yard, the gang must retrieve it. Even with the help of The Retriever ('Griffin Reilly Evans' (qv), the director's son), a kid who steals dog tags and finds The Great Fear's a challenge. Yes, complete with another psychotic name-calling scene with Mac and little league captain Singleton ('Reece Thompson' (qv)). And, of course, with 'James Earl Jones' (qv) as Mr. Mertle.
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