The Hillz (2004)Synopsis:
The Hillz is a surreal look at four teenage boys coming of age. This slice-of-life comedic drama is set in an affluent neighborhood of present-day America. The story chronicles these teenagers' pursuit of respect, friends, girls, and the almighty dollar (aka status). After a year away at college, our hero, Steve returns home to find his friends haven't changed, but his old neighborhood is remarkably different. A stellar athlete, Steve is on a high from recently winning the College World Series. He's got his future and he knows it: girls, money and a sure top-ten pick in the Major League draft. The only thing missing is the only thing he can't have: the gorgeous Heather Smith. On a mission to win Heather over, Steve finds himself up against Heather's seemingly perfect boyfriend, Todd. To make matters worse, Steve discovers his beautiful suburban hills have been turned into an ultra-violent drug zone, controlled by his own high school friends. The ruthless gang is led by the sadistic Duff, Steve's best friend and most loyal supporter. In an effort to get what they want, and with no adult supervision, they are left to their own devices, which more often than not lead to dangerous results. The Hillz follows the roller coaster ride of these teenagers, who are similar to any kid in America, as they experience marginality, popularity and destruction while searching for love, power and a place in society.
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