7 Aum Arivu (2011)Synopsis:
The story revolves around Subha, a genetic engineering student and Arvind, a worker at Bombay Circus. Arvind is a Descendent of the legendary Bhodi Dharma, who lived during the 6th Century AD. As per the story, Bhodi Dharma is an exceptionally skilled fighter and a Medic. Subha's theory is that the DNA sample of a person contains the memory strands of their ancestors. Subha's main aim is to perform a genetic experiment on Arvind and to revive Bhodi Dharma's skill once again. She submits her thesis to various countries. Apparantly,China is being a bad girl and is plotting to wage a bio-war against India. They get shocked on seeing Subha's thesis and send Dong Lee to carry out OPERATION RED to make sure that Bhodi Dharma's truth remains uncovered. The fate of the country rests on Subha's research and how she does it covers the rest of the story.
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