Xavier: Renegade Angel (2007)Synopsis:
The show follows Xavier, a rather strange-looking faun-like wanderer/seeker (complete with snake hand, backwards knees, a beak and six nipples) who is traveling across the land to find out the truth about his mysterious and uncertain origin. Xavier meets all kinds of different folk on his journey who he bores to tears with self obsessed tales about his life and his ability to "blow minds," and encounters rednecks who don't take kindly to his appearance. He speaks in a low, gruff, movie trailer-type tone that accentuates his narcissistic rambling. Although Xavier has a sense of morality and means well, he tends to cause havoc wherever he goes, attempting to help characters along the way, but unknowingly making situations worse due to total incompetence. In the pilot episode, we see in a flash-back that he burnt his house down as an adolescent whilst practicing a spiritual ritual. The fire killed his adoptive parents, yet he is totally oblivious that it was his fault, and is still out to find whoever is responsible. When asked if he has any powers, he is heard to say "powers are for the weak," yet the truth is that he has few, if any, as he is incapable of executing them efficiently.
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