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What exactly is so great about shows such as Wipeout and Fear Factor?

Why do people even bother appearing on shows such as Wipeout and Fear Factor? Both shows involve constestants doing dumb crazy things just to try to be a winner. On Wipeout, eventhough people play wearing padded gear, and they climb on objects that are also padded, they still fall off in a way that looks like they can seriously injure themselves. Are the creators of these shows worried about facing serious lawsuits if people get seriously hurt or even killed on these shows?
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Answer #1
I think everyone has to sign a waiver indicating that if they are hurt it is their own responsibility.

Additional to this they probably have doctors and medics on hand at any given time to minimize the possibility of being sued for such injuries due to neglect or something of the sort, but there is no question that the networks would protect their asses.

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