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Kolobos (1999)

Night. Rain splatters the city. A young couple out for a drive take a shortcut through a deserted alley and makes a gruesome discovery: a girl, savagely slashed and battered, lies in a pool of her own blood. As the girl loses consciousness, she utters one word of explanation - 'Kolobos'. Flash back to 36 hours earlier. Down-on-her-luck artist Kyra Mitchell has just landed a dream job - a 3-month gig as a lab rat in an anthropology-related experimental film. In exchange, she gets free food and lodging in a fully-furnished mountain resort. Her new roommates, wise-cracking Tom, struggling actress Erica, college drop-out Gary and fast-food engineer Tina know little about Kyra's past. She allows them to see her artwork - dark, disturbing pieces - but tells them nothing about her inspiration - a faceless man who haunts her in nightmares and waking dreams. Still, happiness and camaraderie prevail - until night falls. On her way to grab a soda in the kitchen, Tina walks into a deadly booby trap. When her horrified roommates try to get help, the house locks down, trapping them inside. The surviving roommates race against time to find a way out, all the while being stalked by a faceless killer who Kyra fears may have been more than just a figment of her imagination.
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