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Zorro (1975)

Maharaj Bahadur Singh falls in love with Parvati, gets intimate with her, resulting in her getting pregnant, but he is forced to get married to a much wealthier woman. After giving birth to a son, Gunawar, Parvati disappears from Bahadur's life. Bahadur's wife also gives birth to a boy, Vikram, and compels her husband to make him the next Maharaj. Gunawar excels in swordplay, grows up, albeit a bit senile and childlike, while Vikram grows up arrogant, befriends Senapati Shamsher Singh, and both hope to take over the reigns of this kingdom. When Bahadur opposes their sinister designs, Shamsher has him arrested and lodged in a dungeon. When Gunawar finds out that atrocities are carried out by Shamsher and Vikram, he dons a mask, calls himself Zorro, and comes to the rescue of Shamsher's victims. The wily Shamsher concocts a scheme with convict, Sher Singh, to lure and kill Zorro. But Murphy's Law prevails, and Sher and Zorro become friends. But not for long as they are destined to become mortal enemies, especially after Sher finds out that Zorro is really Rajkumar Gunawar and is colluding with Shamsher to carry out atrocities on the villagers.
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