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Zinda (2006)

Unkempt and unruly-looking, Balajit Roy (Sanjay Dutt), gets released from a room in Bangkok that he had been forcibly confined to. Reflecting on his life as a Software Engineer; his first wedding anniversary with his expectant wife, Nisha (Celina Jaitley); his friend, Joy Fernandes (Mahesh Manjrekar); and his house by the jetty. It is here that an unknown male shoots a tranquilizing dart, and he wakes up in a dark cell, is fed fried Won Tons twice a day, and has a TV set for company. He watches the world news - Nisha's murder with him as the prime suspect; the events of September 11, 2001; the devastating 2004 Tsunami; and the fall of Saddam Hussein. Valium gas is injected into the cell, he is rendered unconscious, taken out, groomed, while the cell is cleaned. This becomes a routine in his life, and then after 14 years he is let out. With the help of a savvy, street-smart taxi-driver, Jenny Singh Sarji, and Joy, he sets out to locate the person(s) responsible for his confinement, and Nisha's homicide.
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