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Treed Murray (2001)

Dressed in his business attire and carrying an expensive briefcase, a marketing executive named Murray is taking a shortcut through an urban park in Toronto. Lost in a secluded area of the park, he gets into an altercation with a teen-aged punk, who unknown to Murray is only one of five - four guys and a girl - in a gang. Running to get away from the gang, Murray has the idea that he will climb up a large tree to hide out until the punks leave. Unfortunately for Murray, they find him in the tree. Initially, Murray believes he has no other alternative but to do what they say. But Murray and the punks soon realize that Murray has some leverage being where he is. This altercation soon becomes a standoff and a test of wills to see who can outlast the other, the standoff which includes both physical and emotional torment on both sides, the latter as each learns more about the other.
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