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Taal (1999)

On a sight-seeing road trip of India, U.K. based Manav Mehta meets Mansi, the daughter of a singer, Tarababu. He is attracted to her, and makes his attraction known. She also is attracted to him eventually. Her dad approves of Manav, and both go to Bombay to meet his family. On their arrival itself, they are shunned and treated as second class citizens, and this lasts throughout the day, with the treatment getting worst at every point. Both decide to leave. Mansi decides to improve her career, leaving the past behind, and meets with Vikrant Kapoor, who helps her get started. Both see each other regularly, and soon decide to get married. In the meantime, Manav has not given up hope to marry Mansi, despite opposition from his and her families. Manav relentlessly purses his dream of marrying Mansi, even on the day of her marriage to Vikrant.
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