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One Week (2008)

Dan works hard and is a successful millionaire with a big heart. His younger brother, Brett, is the complete opposite. Brett is lazy, unsympathetic, and mooches off others to get by. Dan passes away from a fatal disease and leaves a video will for his brother, Brett. Dan promises to leave all of his money to Brett on one condition. Brett must acquire the signature of his brother's secretary's oldest first cousin's younger brother's third grade teacher's neighbor's best friend's daughter's hero's only brother. Brett has one week to complete the task or he loses the money. Brett believes that this will be an easy task, but it turns out to be extremely difficult and carefully planned by Dan. Brett contacts Brian, the caretaker of the estate, throughout his excursion with great frustration. Towards the end of his journey, Brett must confront two important people from his past that hold the last piece of the puzzle. Throughout this tedious scavenger hunt, Brett is taught one last lesson by his deceased brother.
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