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Northern Lights (2009)

Cinematography is one of the most exquisite art forms involved in the process of filmmaking- the way it heightens themes, punctuates action, lights an actor's face or dances with shadows can make or break a film, yet the visual way it tells the story is often overlooked in the minds of audience members all around the world. Though they are rarely seen on the opposite side of the lens, these unsung heroes of the moving image will be brought right into focus in Northern Lights, a documentary that will celebrate and give an appreciation of the Canadian Cinematographer's role in filmmaking. Northern Lights features interviews with dozens of the medium's greatest Cinematographers and acclaimed Canadian Directors who provide further insight into the Director & Cinematographer collaboration. They relate stories of the films, television series or commercials they've worked on, the problems they've solved, the innovations they've made standard, one will get a full measure of the love and obsession that goes into the creation of motion pictures. Even if some people have only a passing interest in film, this will change the way they look at movies and the talented filmmakers behind the scenes that make the magic real for us.
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